"Don't mix your tasties with eggs."


3 replies

Anthony and I went to see Elizabethtown tonight on a whim. Neither one of us knew anything about the movie, but we thought we’d check it out. We agreed that it was one of the best movies we’d seen in a long time. The main characters Drew Baylor (Orlando Bloom) and Claire Colburn (Kirsten Dunst) were fantastic. The movie is a little strange and quirky, but it’s a fabulous love story and at times it’s laugh-out-loud funny.
I don’t want to ruin the plot, so I’ll leave it at that. Anthony and I have already agreed to get this movie for our collection when it comes out on DVD. : )

Posted by Kim on at 11:58pm


01Kim said... / Oct 15, 2005 @ 12:01am

OH! This was our first movie-date since we got married and it was the perfect choice. : )

02Kim said... / Oct 15, 2005 @ 09:17pm

This movie received terrible reviews from the press, particularly for the acting. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, as I rarely agree with film critics.
Most people seem to either love the movie or really hate it. I haven’t read any luke warm reviews (even from the average Joe).
There were a few very strange scenes, particularly Drew’s mother’s (Susan Sarandon) speech at his father’s memorial. Parts of it were supposed to be funny, but I didn’t find the scene amusing at all.
The whole movie was the journey of one man from utter despair to hope; a challenge to see the silver lining of life.
One critic (who actually liked the film) said this:
"Cameron Crowe makes motion pictures about moments, not momentum. Maybe that’s why his films tend to annoy a select few in the world who can’t wrap their minds around screenplays that take pride in baring their optimistic soul."
I love it. : )

03Heidi said... / Oct 20, 2005 @ 03:59pm

Hi there Kim.  Thanks for the insight on Elizabethtown.  I thought the previews looked interesting and now I really want to see it.  I’ll let you know what I think.  See you soon!  Miss ya.

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