"I'm just a shadow when you're not here to shine."
-The Julianna Theory

Adventures in country living...

2 replies

You’ll probably never believe this, but I have to post about it anyway. It was a beautiful day, so I decided to go out for a run after work. I ran out about a mile and a half, then turned around and headed back to the cottage. As I drew nearer to home, I saw an animal on the opposite side of the road, slowly running towards me. At first, I thought it was a deer, but as the distance between us became smaller, I realized it was too big to be a deer. It crossed over to my side of the road, so I moved across the street.  I then realized (finally) that it was a cow! He had just come out of the creek, so he was all wet and disheveled looking. I tried to lure him out of the street (using great tactics like, "hey, cow, get out of the road") because people fly down these roads and I didn’t want anyone to get hurt. THEN it starts running after me... thankfully a car pulled up at about the same time and distracted him. I asked the passenger of the car if the cow was theirs and she said, "honey, that’s a BULL!"  Her husband got out and tried (rather unsuccessfully) to coax the bull to get out of the road. I then ran up to the closest farm I could find that had cows. The owner said that the bull wasn’t his, but that he’d try to rope it and at least get it penned up before dark. It was quite the adventure!

Quoting Anthony, "We’ve haven’t even lived here two weeks -- you’ve already been chased by a bull and I’m shooting rodents in the backyard." (which isn’t really true, but he has threatened the black birds that are eating our grass seed with a bb-gun)


Posted by Kim on at 05:42pm


01Kim said... / Apr 14, 2006 @ 11:59am

Just an aside: Kristi told me that she’s seen a cow in the street on more than one occassion when driving through Kempton!

02Heidi said... / Apr 16, 2006 @ 06:43pm

Wow - Welcome to Kempton, huh?  :)

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