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The next phase.
Juliana and I had our most recent check up at CHOP on Tuesday & the news is good. Jules is weighing in around 6lbs, 4oz & her heart condition is stable. Dr. Rycheck believes that she will be stable enough for us to hold for a short while (an hour or less) after birth before getting her umbilical lines and being transferred to the ICU. I can’t tell you how excited we are for the opportunity to spend a little time with our sweet baby girl. THANK YOU for your prayers - we know God is hearing & answering them!
We are officially full term, so Juliana can come any time now & we are hoping she makes her appearance naturally before my induction date, which will be November 17th. If we do have to be induced, we know that Juliana’s initial surgeon will be Dr. Spray. I’ve read some great things about him, which is certainly a blessing. If she comes early, we won’t know who the surgeon is until after her birth - it depends on who is in town at that time. We know she is in good hands here at CHOP, but it would be disingenuous to tell you that I am not still scared out of my mind. We truly appreciate your continued prayers & the amazing support that you’ve provided.
Other good news: We have successfully relocated our family for delivery. Rolly and Margie have blessed us beyond measure by allowing us to stay with them for the next month or so. Gavin is finally getting adjusted, sleeping better, and enjoying time with his big cousin, Alena. We celebrated his second birthday this week, which I can still barely believe.
Jimmy-jams, crazy hair, and shades - the perfect look. We miss Jackson and the cats, but they are having a nice time vacationing with family.
I am doing better now that I am finished with work - just sleeping more regular hours has been a huge blessing. As much as I love my job, being surrounded by NICU babies was very difficult for me towards the end, also. I still have some very anxious, sad times, but I know these are normal feelings for a mama grappling with the prospect of open heart surgery for her sweet newborn (in addition to the normal concerns of delivery).
The only less-than-stellar news that I have to share is that my blood pressure is starting to trend upwards again. Please pray that this stays under control & the preeclampsia doesn’t recur. I am really hoping to avoid needing lots of medical interventions (& especially Magnesium Sulfate) for this delivery.
I am also having quite a bit of pain from where I injured my sacrum snowboarding last winter. It is manageable, but concerning for the actual delivery!
Here’s an abbreviated list of things that we’re thankful for:
1. Baby is growing well and her heart condition remains stable.
2. We are full term! : )
3. A successful relocation.
4. The continued prayers & support of our friends and family. We love you all and are truly blessed to have you.
And the current prayer requests:
1. Please pray my blood pressure will remain under control and there will be no recurrence of preeclampsia.
2. We are SO excited about the prospect of having up to an hour with our baby girl prior to all of the medical interventions that she needs. Please pray that we can have these precious moments with her.
3. Safe, natural delivery at CHOP with minimal need for medical intervention
4. Please pray for wisdom and skill for Juli’s healthcare team - the delivery staff, surgical team, and all of the physicians and nurses she will meet along the way. We are praying for a successful surgery and an uncomplicated recovery.
5. Please pray for peace of mind for all of us & that God will help us through this transitional phase when we can’t all be together. It is going to be difficult balancing being at the hospital for Juliana with taking care of our little man.
I will try to post more frequent updates when Juliana arrives & we have more information. Please bear with me, though, I am still overwhelmed nearly every day. Thank you for all of the support and love you’ve showered us with. We are SO grateful. Praying you’ll be blessed abundantly for your kindness.