June 17, 2005
Mom, Anthony, and I went for a guided tour through the mountains on horseback. When we started out, our guide told us that the horses were not hungry, so we should hold their heads up if they tried to eat. My horse, Windy, was desperately trying to prove her wrong! At every opportunity, Windy was snacking on grass, weeds, leaves, and anything else that she could get her mouth on. She didn't really like to follow the horse in front of her. As a result, she dilly dallied as much as possible and then trot a little bit to catch up. I also quickly learned that Windy doesn't like to get her feet wet. Every time we encountered a stream or a puddle, she took her time to find the driest possible route!
Overall, the trip was a great adventure, especially since Anthony and I hadn't really been riding before. I apologize for the number of butts in these pictures; Windy and I were at the back of the line!
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