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A little belated..
| 4 repliesHappy New Year! I hope that everyone had a safe, enjoyable holiday season. We started our celebration on December 23rd with a trip to Lancaster to see The Miracle of Christmas at Sight and Sound Theater. It was a really unique experience; the stage wraps around the theater, the action takes place in the aisles as well as on the stage, and there are lots of live animals. The story began with the betrothal of Mary and Joseph and progressed to the birth of Jesus. It ended with a very emotional allusion to the cross. It was a great experience; if you ever have the opportunity, I would definitely recommend checking it out.
I don’t want to dwell on the sad moments of the season, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention how sad Christmas at the Allen house was without my dad this year. I wish I could tell him how much we all miss him.
Unfortunately, Travis and Megan weren’t able to come home to celebrate with us this year. Anthony and I had a nice turkey dinner with my mom on Christmas eve & then went to Faith Church for the evening service. Afterwards, we watched "The Majestic," which is an awesome movie.
We spent Christmas day with my mom, then went to Mom and Dad DiSante’s house on Christmas night. It was really great to hang out with all the DiSantes, as usual. : ) Unfortunately, I had to work the day after Christmas, so we went to bed relatively early.
On the Wednesday after Christmas, we met Nikki, Jess, and Terry for lunch before Jess and Terry went back to NC. : ) It was so nice to see old friends, even though it was a short visit. I wish I’d have gotten a photo of all of us together.
It was a busy week at work, and I was very happy to see Friday come. On New Years Eve, Anthony and I had a romantic dinner at Carrabbas. I worked on New Years day, so we didn’t do too much else.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that 2007 got off on the right foot! : )