"So good to the roof of your mouth it'll get stuck."
-The Cross Movement


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It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. The past couple of weeks have been kind of a blur.

I came home from work on January 24th feeling sick; my whole body hurt & I had a fever, but other than that, things were pretty much normal. Late Wednesday night, I started to have a lot of head / neck pain, so I took the day off work on Thursday to heal. I went back to work on Friday morning, but was still not feeling well. I made an appointment with my doctor, who sent me to the emergency room to get a lumbar puncture to test for bacterial meningitis. Thankfully, my spinal fluid was clear of bacteria; the ER doctor suggested that the infection was viral and needed to just run it’s course. He prescribed some pain killers and I was discharged from the hospital around midnight. Anthony and I grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed home. I was in excruciating pain on Saturday and Sunday & unfortunately the pain killers made me very sick to my stomach. I slept most of the weekend away. On Monday morning I awakened to a voice message from the ER explaining that my test results were not normal. I returned to the ER & quickly learned that one of the cultures from my spinal tap had been contaminated. The doctors were concerned that I still had the fever, neck pain, and headaches. I had to make an appointment to see my primary care physician before going back to work. I went home from the ER and slept pretty much all afternoon. I went back to the doctor on Tuesday afternoon & he released me to return to work on Friday. Thursday morning, my fever finally broke and I started to feel better. My boss, Lora, suggested that I take Friday off to make sure I was in good health before returning to work. I still get intense headaches quite a lot, which the ER doctor told me could persist for up to two weeks. I’ll definitely be happy to get back to work tomorrow!

Anthony has been really amazing; he came with me to the ER, cracked jokes to keep me in good spirits, & even held my hand during the lumbar puncture (after which he looked pretty green). I’m so thankful to have such a wonderful husband. : )

I was really disappointed that we missed both the celebration of Emma’s 2nd birthday & Dad DiSante’s birthday. Happy birthday! I’m sorry that we didn’t make it to celebrate with the family; we love you all and hope to see you soon.

In other news, Anthony and I started looking for a place of our own at the beginning of January. We found a lovely townhouse out in the country & signed a lease. We’ll be moving on February 24th.

We’re heading to Steamboat Springs my mom and her friends, Debbie and Lamar, for a ski trip this coming Saturday. Anthony’s never been on skis before & I’m really looking forward to skiing together. Hopefully these head / neck aches will subside by then.

Posted by Kim on at 05:40pm


01Anthony said... / Feb 5, 2007 @ 09:29pm

Anthony’s never been on skis before

Actually I have been on skis a few times, just not snow skis.

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