"Everything about you is a picture worth a thousand words."

A change of pace.

4 replies

Last week I accepted a position with Health Network Labs, the company that Lehigh Valley Hospital contracts all of their lab work out to. I’ll be leaving Air Products at the end of May, traveling to Colorado with my mom for a few weeks, then starting my new job on June 11th. This is a great opportunity, as it will allow me to take the classes I need (it’s a night shift, 11pm - 7:00am) while getting experience in a hospital setting. It’s also going to be very challenging, as I’ve never done clinical lab work before. I’m very excited (and a little bit nervous)!
I’m also thinking about attending PA school and pursuing a master’s degree. I still haven’t decided if I’ll do this or stick with Nursing. I plan to start studying for the GREs over the next couple of weeks. : )

Posted by Kim on at 02:46pm


01Anthony said... / May 9, 2007 @ 10:47am

Yay  ( :

02Jess said... / May 11, 2007 @ 05:43am

Congrats on your new job!

03Mom2 said... / May 11, 2007 @ 08:54pm

Hey Kim, This is great!.  I’m so proud of your reaching out and going after something new and something you really want.  How exciting!  I’m so sure you will do well.  Although, only you young kids can handle those extreme hours :)  You go girl!

And, I love your last couple of posts...all the technical research info...fun stuff...keep it coming.

lvu, mom2

04Kim said... / May 12, 2007 @ 05:10am

Thank you!

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