"Colors blur at sixty miles an hour and I can almost see your smile."
-Outsmarting Simon

Colorado trip

1 reply

I intended to update this site every day while in Colorado, but was unable to get on the internet from the condo. Things went pretty well.
Here are our approximate stats:

Total miles: ~4100
Total drive time (with stops): 66 hrs
Quarts of oil: 5
Bags of trail mix: 10?
Trips to the hardware store: 12
Tootsie Rolls: countless

We arrived in Steamboat on Tuesday afternoon. It felt so good to settle in for a little while after three long days of driving! During our stay, we did some painting, installed the flat screen TV over the fireplace, drove to Denver to purchase furniture, took care of some cleaning, & removed old furniture. I was very concerned
about installing the TV, but it was actually pretty easy.
The hardest part for me, of course, was being away from Anthony for nearly two whole weeks. I missed him (and Chessie) so much.

We hiked a little bit nearly every day & enjoyed one afternoon walking around town. We also had the opportunity to visit with Aunt Nancy & Uncle Robert for a few days, which is always a blessing. The highlight of the trip for me was seeing a bear right outside of the condo! Unfortunately, my camera broke on our second travel day & we were unable to get any photos.

I bought a disposable camera the following day, but the bear never came back. I took a few photos of the condo; if any of them turn out well, I’ll post them here in a few days.

It’s so good to be home.

Posted by Kim on at 08:23pm


01Mom2 said... / Jun 16, 2007 @ 07:27am

Praise God for a safe trip.  So glad you both are back home.  That is one road trip I’d have to pass on.  I know how beautiful the landscapes are but I just cannot sit that long in a car.  Really looking forward to having dinner with you and Anthony tonight and hearing all your travel stories.
lvu, Mom2

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