"Do you want me to brave this world for you?"
-Dashboard Confessional

Another new life : )

4 replies

Congratulations to Travis and Megan who are expecting a baby at the end of January 2008. THIS made me laugh out loud:

posted image

Megan’s first sonogram. Click on the image to see the full size.

I love my brother and his crazy sense of humor. : )

Posted by Kim on at 05:19pm


01Heidi said... / Jul 11, 2007 @ 02:08pm

Oh my goodness -- that is too funny!  We just had another ultrasound today - - everything looks good so far!  We still don’t know if we are having another baby girl or a baby boy?!?!  No matter how hard we try, our babies never cooperate in showing us what we are dying to know! :)
Congratulations to your brother and Megan!  How exciting!!
Love, Heidi.

02Mom2 said... / Jul 11, 2007 @ 05:11pm

Oh this is too funny!  Yeah, only your brother would think to do this :)  Congratulations to the new parents-to-be and I pray  Megan and baby stay healthy.

03Jess said... / Jul 12, 2007 @ 07:36pm

I hope the baby doesn’t come out singing like your brother....Congrats!

04Kim said... / Jul 12, 2007 @ 07:56pm

Hey girls. Thanks for your thoughtful words & especially for your prayers.

Heidi, how exciting! I’m so glad to hear that things are going well. We are praying for a safe, easy pregnancy & a healthy little one.

And Jessie... nobody sings like my brother! : )

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