"Because I know that without you I'm giving it away"

I'm famous... well, sort of.

7 replies

In February, a gentleman from National Geographic Maps contacted me to request permission to use one of my photos of Rabbit Ears Pass on the front a trail map. I was, of course, really flattered and told him that I’d be honored if they’d use my picture. When I didn’t hear anything for six months, I thought that maybe they’d found a more suitable photo and I almost completely forgot about the inquiry.  Then, at the end of August, I received an envelope from National Geographic full of maps with my photo on the front:

posted image

Woo hoo!

posted image

I wish my dad were here to enjoy this; he would have loved to get his hands on one of these maps & hit the trails! This is particularly special for me, because I have fond memories of hiking Rabbit Ears with Anthony, mom, and dad just a few years back.

It just occurred to me that I never posted about the particle size analysis article that we had published in August of 2006.   It’s here, if you’re interested. It didn’t seem like a big deal due to the timing of its release, but so far, this is the biggest accomplishment of my career as a scientist. Just a warning, this is not light reading material. : )

Posted by Kim on at 11:54am


01Heidi said... / Oct 1, 2007 @ 05:18am

That’s really something - to have National Geographics want one of your pictures!!  How fun and what a neat tribute to the memories you have of hiking with your dad.
And, congratulations on getting published!  I haven’t had a chance to read the article - - not that any of it would make sense to me!  ;)
Love ya, Heidi.

02Mom2 said... / Oct 1, 2007 @ 01:10pm

Hey Kim.

How exciting!  I hope you at least got a bi-line or honorable mention by name of some kind of credit for that photo.

And, getting published too!  Wow, you are really having an exciting time right now.  We’re so proud!  Keep up the great work ( if you can stay awake long enough :)

lvu, Mom2

03Kim said... / Oct 1, 2007 @ 10:00pm

Thank you, ladies!
I was really shocked (and excited) that National Geographic was interested in one of my photos. I guess you just never know who might drop in and check out your website.
Yes, Mom2, the credit is on the right hand side of that second photo; I guess I should have cleaned that up a little bit!
I hope to see you both soon. Lots of love!

04Jess said... / Oct 2, 2007 @ 12:19pm

Hey Kim,
That’s so awesome that your pictures are used in a National Geographic Maps.  And you’re published too!  That’s great.  I’m going to attempt to read it, but I know I won’t understand a thing.
Hope all is well in PA.  Miss you!

05Heidi said... / Oct 4, 2007 @ 02:53pm

Ohhh!  I just noticed on the back of the map, your name going up the right side!!!  Even more exciting!!!  ;)

06Caleb said... / Dec 23, 2007 @ 05:26pm

That is sooooo cool Kim, and very flattering for you that National Geographic wants your photography!!! Congratulations from across the state. =)

07Kim said... / Dec 25, 2007 @ 05:02am

Thanks Caleb.
It was really nice to hear from you! I hope that you and April are doing well and that you have an awesome Christmas! Take care.

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