"Man, I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same"
-The Wallflowers

Crashing Waves


Anthony bought me an awesome new camera for our 2nd anniversary.  It’s a Cannon Powershot SD700 IS & it takes really nice photos. One of my favorite features is the ability to set the camera to continuous mode so that when you hold down the button, it takes a series of photos less than a second apart. Using this feature, I took many pictures of waves breaking on rocks in the Bahamas:

Here are a few in chronological order:

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I think that this will be really handy when trying to capture photos of kids and pets (I’m planning to test this theory on Chessie when he gets in what we affectionately call "freak out mode").

There are, of course, lots of other fun features that I will post about over time. I am so excited about having a camera again; I have really missed taking pictures. : )

Posted by Kim on at 06:00am

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