"Don't mix your tasties with eggs."

Give thanks : )

1 reply

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good. His Love endures forever!
Psalm 107:1

As always, we have much to be thankful for. I pray that you’ll have a wonderful time of celebration with loved ones as you meditate on the blessings in your life.

I am especially thankful for:

Salvation and the knowledge that the love of Christ really does endure forever. Even though life isn’t always easy, God is always with us, holding us steadily in His great arms.

For my sweet husband, Anthony.
Our great parents, grandparents, siblings, and their beautiful families. We love you all!
My Cheshire cat, who always comforts me when I’m down.

Good Friends.
You know who you are. : )

Our soldiers.
I know that the cost of freedom is steep. My thoughts and prayers are with our brave troops serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and across the world, as well as their families. I can’t even fathom the sacrifice that these men and women make for us every day & I’m so angered to see Hollywood portray our military in a negative light. We need to stand up for the people that fight for us.
I’m proud of our troop & our great nation.

And so much more...

"Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;      make known among the nations what he has done."
1 Chronicles 16:8

I feel like I would be remiss if I didn’t say how much I miss my dad... It’s been over a year, and he’s still blessing me with his wisdom, stories, and rich memories. He always will. If I could, I’d tell him that I love him so much and miss him every day. I’m so thankful for him.
I know he’s singing songs of praise and thanksgiving even as I type.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Posted by Kim on at 01:33pm


01Heidi said... / Nov 22, 2007 @ 06:28pm

Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Kim!
Love, Heidi.

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