"If i told you this was killing me, would you stop?"
-The Julianna Theory

The latest


I just posted a small photo set from our celebration of Father’s Day with the DiSantes.

I’m just gearing up for my road trip to Colorado with mom; I can’t believe we are leaving a week from Saturday. I’m so excited breathe the fresh mountain air, hike every day, and spend time with our family.

In other news, I rescheduled my sinus surgery for October.  I’m really happy with this decision, because my surgeon and my mom will both be in town the week post surgery (whereas they would both be away if I’d kept my July date). Anthony and I love to bike and hike in the summer, & this will free up a few more weekends for outdoor recreation.  Also, in October, I will be able to use sick time rather than using precious vacation time to have the procedure. So, all in all, I think it’s for the best.

Allie and I also set a date for our trapeze adventure in Baltimore. We’re planning on making the trip July 26th-27th. I have to admit, I’m a little bit nervous, but I’m sure it’ll be a good time. I’ll be sure to post more updates in the coming weeks.

Posted by Kim on at 12:44am

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