"Colors blur at sixty miles an hour and I can almost see your smile."
-Outsmarting Simon

Mmm... Beignets

5 replies

When I was in junior high school, I slept over at a friend named Kelley’s house relatively frequently. Kelley’s mom always made us beignets in the morning; I had never heard of them before & until recently, never seen them since.
I was shopping with my mom at the Philadelphia Premium Outlets about a month ago when I stumbled upon a box of beignet mix in a cooking store:

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I promptly snatched the box up with the intention of making these delicious treats as soon as possible. The day after we returned home from our trip to Colorado, I finally made them. They were just as good as I remember! These piping hot french doughnuts have a similar taste and consistency to funnel cake -- a favorite of mine when we’re at the beach.

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What a fun treat!

Posted by Kim on at 02:07pm


01Maria said... / Jul 19, 2008 @ 07:14pm


02Kim said... / Jul 20, 2008 @ 12:05am

Wait... what? Did you just drool on my website?? : )

03Maria said... / Jul 21, 2008 @ 03:23pm

I did in fact do that. Can’t wait for tubing!!

04Heidi said... / Jul 21, 2008 @ 09:40pm

mmmmmmm.......request for beignets!!!!!  :)

05Kim said... / Jul 25, 2008 @ 02:42am

I guess we’ll have to have a get together soon and cook some up! : ) Although, I wouldn’t object to a trip to the beach to get funnel cake instead. Beach + funnel cake = definite win. Any plans in the work for our family trip?

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