"Your brain has a thin candy shell."
-Richard in Tommy Boy

Paleo, Nursing school, and other excitement!


My two loyal readers probably gave up on the prospect of a new post months ago, but I’ve decided that it’s time for an update, anyway.

In January, Anthony stumbled on this article about decreasing dietary carbohydrates, and it sparked a massive lifestyle change for both of us.  As he found more and more information that pointed to the merits of the Paleo diet, Anthony began to make changes to improve his health.  He watched the movie Fat Head, and began to listen to podcasts & read articles by Robb Wolf and Chris Kresser, both advocates of the Paleo lifestyle (although they do not define it in the same way).

It took a while for me to get on board, because I rationalized that the demands of nursing school and working overnight didn’t afford me enough time to prepare healthy foods. After I saw positive changes starting to occur for Anthony, I decided that I would give the Paleo diet (plus dairy) a fair shake.  Eating Paleo seems difficult at first, because you must eliminate grains, legumes, and dairy (which most of us eat a lot of).  Gluten (from grains), lactose and casein (from dairy), and lectin (from legumes) are all known gut irritants.  The composition of our gut bacteria play a major role in health and wellness & eating these foods can cause not only local, but systemic problems.

The basic premise of Paleo is that you consume naturally occurring foods such as meats, vegetables, and fruits (in moderation) and remove highly processed junk.  I have (almost) completely eliminated gluten and legumes from my diet, and the results have been pretty amazing. Before starting this, I had chronic stomach issues -- pain, nausea, bloating, and sometimes even vomiting.  That wasn’t the extent of the problem, but I don’t want to get into too many specifics here. All of these symptoms are virtually nonexistent when I avoid grains and legumes! My dietary carbohydrates decreased naturally and I lost about 9lbs in a few weeks without any effort. I had gotten so used to abdominal pain that I forgot what it was like to feel good. I am so thankful that Anthony stumbled upon the Paleo diet.

And in other news...
Last December, I started the Nursing program at Cedar Crest College. The schedule is pretty intense, because we’re on campus 2-3 evenings per week and then at the hospital for two 8-10 hour days every other weekend. I’ve met some amazing people -- both classmates and patients -- and had some great experiences. It’s hard having to miss family gatherings and pass up hanging out with friends in favor of school work. My classmates have made these sacrifices so much more bearable with their continuous empathy and encouragement. I really couldn’t ask for better peers.
Still, I really miss our friends and family.

Fortunately,  I was able to attend Maria’s graduation on June 3rd (I just finally posted the photos today). In the fall, Maria will be joining me at Cedar Crest College! Congrats, Maria. We are so proud of you!

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We also had the opportunity to go to Rickett’s Glen State Park with Allie yesterday. It was SO amazing to have a day completely off of school and work. Thanks for a great time, Allie!
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Two weeks ago, we received some really big news. Marilyn, the senior technologist in our lab, decided to pursue another position, which lead to a day shift opening in our department. After a new technologist is trained for night shift, I will be going to days!  I’m going to be on a normal human schedule!! I am so excited, but my enthusiasm is tempered by the loss of an amazing technologist, leader, and friend. I’m so thankful that I had the opportunity to work with and learn from Marilyn & I truly hope her new position is a blessing for her!

Posted by Kim on at 05:08pm

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