"Love makes the ride worthwile."

Our newest family member

2 replies

Anthony and I got an adorable kitten last night. We haven’t named him yet, but I already love him to pieces. I was afraid to leave him alone last night, so we let him on the bed. It wasn’t long before he was sleeping in the middle (under the covers). He stayed firmly pressed against my back nearly all night; I was worried that if I moved, I’d crush the little fellow. I took my allergy pill right before bed & so far, my allergies haven’t flared up too much. : )

Posted by Kim on at 07:05pm


01Mom2 said... / Mar 3, 2007 @ 06:47am

ooooo, Maria and I are so jealous!  We love kittens, as you know by the number of them we’ve had over the years.  But I think you should have gotten a girl then we could have had one of her future kittens :)  Plus I thinks girl cats are not as high maintenance.

02Jess said... / Mar 4, 2007 @ 02:25pm

Awwww, very cute.  Everyone’s getting cats lately.....my other friend just adopted an older cat.  The family just couldn’t handle her anymore especially with their young kids.  I want a kitty or a puppy, or really any pet.  Oh well, one day soon.  Miss you and hope all is going well in New Tripoli!

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