"You gave me life, not just existence."

Soft Paws

3 replies

We bought these Soft Paws for Cheshire to keep him from scratching us (and ruining the carpet, furniture, etc). They are really great, so far; Chessie doesn’t seem to mind them and it’s so nice to play with him without getting all scratched up. Now if I could only keep him from biting my neck in the middle of the night... : )

Posted by Kim on at 09:43pm


01Heidi said... / Apr 2, 2007 @ 01:21pm

I’ve never seen anything like that!  So, what color nails does Chessie have??

02Kim said... / Apr 5, 2007 @ 08:51pm

Hi Heidi. His claws are just clear; we thought this was the most manly (and aesthetically pleasing) choice.

03Heidi said... / Apr 10, 2007 @ 11:16am

Good choice!  :)

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