"Colors blur at sixty miles an hour and I can almost see your smile."
-Outsmarting Simon

Cheshire, the amazing carboholic cat

1 reply

I have been craving some good banana bread for weeks, so I decided to make some on Sunday evening. It was pretty late when the loaves were finished baking & I was really tired, so I covered them both with paper towels (rather than plastic wrap / aluminum foil) so that they didn’t sweat & get soggy. When I came down in the morning, Chessie had gotten onto the counter, chewed up some of the paper towels, moved them off to the side, & eaten the top off of my bread! He ate the best part!
Tonight, Anthony & I came back from our walk to find the hamburger buns on the floor & half eaten. Once again, Chessie got up on the counter, tore through the plastic bag, and ate the tops off of the buns. I thought cats were supposed to be carnivorous!

Posted by Kim on at 07:26pm


01Jess said... / May 25, 2007 @ 07:10am

Next time you could just put the bread in the microwave, uncovered.  That’s what I usually do because we didn’t have enough counter space.  Or I’d put it in the oven. 
Cats are strange animals. My friend has a cat that was chased by a bird.

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