"At the drop of a hat's how I roll"
-A Farewell Rescue

Driving, Day One

1 reply

It’s almost midnight at home (11pm here) & mom and I just settled into our hotel near Joliet, Il. We covered a total of 780 miles today, crossing through Pennsylvania, Ohio, & Indiana. So far, PA was the most interesting part of the journey with it’s rolling hills and abundant forests. The plains of Ohio & Indiana were pretty neat, too, though. It’s amazing to me how far you can see in all directions! I tried to take some photos through the window, but most of them didn’t come out very well.
At least I got a funny one of Heidi enjoying the ride...

posted image

On a side note, we stopped at a Waffle House for lunch today & it’s quite possibly the worst place that I’ve ever eaten. The whole place seemed dingy & the food was so greasy and disgusting. Seriously, how can you mess up a BLT?

Tomorrow we’re going to drive to North Platte, NE (approximately 720 miles).

So far, things are going pretty well, but I miss Anthony (and Chessie) terribly already.

Posted by Kim on at 09:11pm


01Anthony said... / Jun 3, 2007 @ 02:07pm


She looks like a horse!

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