"Don't mix your tasties with eggs."


3 replies

I just read a short review article on "Noble Intent," the science journal for ARS Technica. The study was originally published in Nature, which (along with Science), is one of the most highly respected journals in the scientific community.
Scientists at Yale determined that babies as young as six months old can differentiate between a character that is helpful from one that hinders the progress of a third character. The babies were shown a video in which a climber made several failed attempts to reach the top of a hill before he was helped or hindered by another character. After given some time to process what they had seen, the children’s attitudes towards the characters were measured by which character they reached for (the helpful character or the one that hindered the progress of the climber). All of the six month old children and 14/16 ten-month old children preferred the helpful character.
This kind of study is amazing to me, because children are so much more perceptive than I ever realized. I’m always in awe of how much information they seem to retain and rationally process.

Posted by Kim on at 11:39pm


01Jess said... / Nov 30, 2007 @ 10:56am

I could give you plenty of info like that if you’d like.  Did you know that a child in a rectangular room will only run back and forth, like a track.  But if you put them i a square room, they are more likely to be creative because they can run back and forth, go around the perimeter, and go from corner to corner.  Also steady beat is a necessary skill for activities as simple as using scissors.  And any activity you can do which crosses the mid-line, will increase the connectors in your corpus callosum.  Music is one of the few activities that does that on a regular basis and I’ve wondered how effective a pick up line would be if it sounded something like, "Hey baby, did you know that I’ve got a huge corpus callosum?"
If you want more info check out this blog http://mollyskindermusik.blogspot.com/.  This woman usually posts really great information on child development.  And yes, it is usually geared more towards music activities that help with child development.  And sometimes there are just some other really cool things to see on it.

I hope all is well and I’ll be home for Christmas on December 20th.  We fly into Philly around 8 am and will leave the 27th.  I hope to see you then!

02Kim said... / Dec 1, 2007 @ 07:43pm

Hey Jess. It was nice to hear from you; I was just thinking of you yesterday. I’m glad to hear that you’re coming home for Christmas. The only day that I have off for Christmas, sadly, is Christmas Eve. If you want to get together, maybe we should try to set something up for an evening before I go to work? Let me know if there’s a night that you don’t have any plans!

03Jess said... / Dec 4, 2007 @ 03:39pm

Hey Kim,
I’m sorry I wasn’t responsive earlier on im.  I was running around downstairs and didn’t hear the "beep" of im.  But I saw your message and I’d love to get together even if it’s only for a little, along with seeing Nikki C.  Well, just let me know when and where and I’ll see you then!
PS. Bringing Terry with me too.

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