"Would you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
-Just Surrender

A Lifetime of Fingerprints.

1 reply

See you in the mirror sometimes
but you aren’t here (and it’s torture)
I have your eyes but without you
I feel visually impaired.
The colors, once so vibrant, are now
monochromatic - a whole palette of grey,
since you had to go.

Your shadow is on my doorstep
and it somehow keeps the house warm
Your words are in my heart
and I know I’m not alone.
Your wisdom is a beacon
when the breath of darkness creeps in
Yes, the echo of your laughter
Lights the pathway home.

My voice has been silenced here
for a while now (as if broken)
or displaced by a heavy heart
from the chaos of this world.
But these words I softly whisper
A sapling of your heart song -- and I’ll sing your melody
Wherever I may go.

Because your shadow is on my doorstep
and it somehow keeps the house warm
Your words are in my heart
and I know I’m not alone.
Your wisdom is a beacon
when the breath of darkness creeps in
Yes, the echo of your laughter
Lights the pathway home.

In loving memory of my dad.

Posted by Kim on at 08:14am


01Mom2 said... / Dec 14, 2007 @ 07:51pm

Kim Honey,

I’m there with you.  No matter how many years we’ve had them they are never enough...it’s never going to be enough.  I’m sorry for you, for me, for all who have this ache and can’t get around it.

This is a beautiful poem, song, thought.  Yet it breaks my heart...it is all so unfair.  Thank you for bringing this to me..I needed to remember, to feel, to cry.  We think we put it away for a while and busy ourselves with life and that’s ok, too.  Yet we never really put it away; and that’s ok, too.

lvu, always, Mom2

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