"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking."



Writing has always been a huge outlet for me; I feel almost relieved when my fingers hit the keyboard.  The lines seem to tumble around in my head until I have the chance to organize and record them.
Over the past couple of months, I’ve noticed more cruelty in the way people treat one another than I can even fathom. That’s what this is all about -- our fallen world. In my opinion, it’s one of the darkest poems that I’ve ever written. For that reason, I am somewhat hesitant to even share...


Perhaps if you lived in the desert
You’d know what it is to thirst
but having been raised at the river’s edge
You take advantage of her
And even as you drink her dry
each sacred droplet, red,
She sings your praises gently.
What have you wrought here?
(Oh, what have you done?)

The venom that you breathe is not
benign as you would feign
The poison courses deeper still
through arteries and veins
Your eyes of blue now crimson lined
and void of all remorse
Time will unveil -- this won’t end well
If left to run its course.

What is in your chest?
You’re beauty on the outside
Cannot mask its emptiness
Don’t think it goes unnoticed
That you use your tongue to cut
Your charade is over -- the game is up.
We all know what you’ve done here
(We all know what you’ve done.)

Posted by Kim on at 10:18am

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