"Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!"
-Monsters Inc.

Mmmm... pasta.


Before a few months ago, I hadn’t enjoyed eating spaghetti for a long time. When I was constantly training to swim and run in high school, we were encouraged to eat a lot of pasta, and I guess I just got tired of it.
We always had spaghetti with Prego sauce & I’m not sure if I they changed the recipe (it seems almost bitter now), but I just don’t like it anymore. A few months ago, we were at Anthony’s mom’s house & I got to try her delicious sauce for the first time. (Mom2 gets credit for reawakening my love for pasta). Just last weekend, I tried making some sauce using this recipe shared by a fellow named Anthony, who seems very passionate about cooking and his Italian roots.
The sauce and the meatballs were fantastic, so I wanted to share! There are a lot of recipe links for his site, too, which I intend to check out in the near future.
I’ll be sure to post an update if I find more culinary treats.

Posted by Kim on at 01:51am

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