"Deep inside we both know it. Everything's hanging on this moment."

Memorial day already?

1 reply

Wasn’t it April yesterday? Not that I’m complaining; I’m loving this beautiful, sunny weather. : ) Things have been busy as usual, but good. Here’s what we have on deck for the coming weeks:

Next Sunday, we’re seeing all of Anthony’s siblings for dinner at Maggiano’s. We can’t wait to see everyone!

In two weeks, we’re having our second girls’ weekend at Kim’s cabin out near Rickett’s Glen. I’m so excited to catch up with some good friends, relax, and hopefully do some hiking!  I hope we can make this into an annual tradition.

In other news, I’ve decided to make the three day drive to Colorado with my mom again this summer. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to stay the whole two weeks so that we can drive home together, but it’s better than nothing. The best part is that we’re picking Anthony up in Denver & spending the week with mom in Steamboat Springs, one of my favorite places on earth. This is even more fantastic, because Travis, Megan, and Xander will be coming out for a few days, too. I am so excited to have our little family together -- it’s a rare blessing.
AND we’ll drive through North Platte, so I plan to visit Caitlin & meet her boyfriend, Todd. I’m so glad that it’s going to work out!

The week after we return from Colorado, I’m having sinus surgery to straighten my nasal septum, decrease my turbinate hypertrophy, and open up my sinuses. Sounds like a raging good time, huh? Well, I’m not looking forward to it, but I’m really hoping that this will help my overall health to improve.

I’ve started running pretty regularly again & I’m actively seeking a buddy to run some local races with me. Let me know if you’re interested!

Other things I hope to do this summer include a trip to Baltimore with Allie to go trapeze swinging (yikes!), camping at the beach, lots of biking, and another day trip to Lancaster with my mom.

Well, I’m in the middle of cooking up some beef braised in red wine & gnocchi, so I guess I’d better get back to that. I’ll be sure to post about that later if it comes out good!

Posted by Kim on at 07:02pm


01Kim said... / May 25, 2008 @ 11:15pm

Update: Beef braised in red wine was good, but much like ordinary pot roast & much more expensive to make.

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