"I can't help but think it's right, that inside you it's me I'll find."
-Further Seems Forever

A facelift.

5 replies

I’ve wanted to make a new theme for this site for a while & just haven’t gotten around to it. I know it’s not fall yet, but I love the colors in this header image. As much as I love summer, I’m definitely looking forward to some crisp, cool days (and nights) in September & October.

Posted by Kim on at 12:22am


01Jess said... / Aug 4, 2008 @ 01:35am

I’m looking forward to cooler days and nights too! I can’t wait to turn off the AC. It’s just ridiculously hot down here and humid. Ahhhh!  I can’t stand it, where’s September?!?!?!

02Kim said... / Aug 5, 2008 @ 03:35am

The days have been much cooler over the past week, actually. We haven’t had the AC on for the past couple of days. Now we can go camping without worrying about getting cooked in the night!

03Jess said... / Aug 6, 2008 @ 08:08am

Lucky you.  Unfortunately we’re having a heat wave.  Ughhhhh!  Luckily it’s supposed to be better starting tonight.

04Kim said... / Aug 6, 2008 @ 10:44am

Time to move home!

05Jess said... / Aug 7, 2008 @ 10:46pm

You’re silly.  If only it were that easy.
You could move HERE and be in between the beach and the mountains all the time.  And you would never have to worry about it being too cold in the winter.  So you’d always have a low heating bill.  Also homes are really cheap down here.  And you could work at Duke or somewhere like that. 
By the way, I miss you too!

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