"You're my wonderwall"


7 replies

I can smell (a little bit)! After several days of smelling (and tasting) nothing, I awakened at 2:00 to discover that I can smell my mom’s lavender hand soap in the bathroom. Whooo-hoo! I have a feeling that food is going to be much more appealing today than it has been since Thursday! : )

Posted by Kim on at 02:22am


01Heidi said... / Oct 4, 2008 @ 10:08am

Ok Kim......we hope you get better soon..... that post about the surgery sounded so painful!  What would we do without our moms??  We’ll keep you in our prayers for a speedy recovery!
Love, Heidi

02Kim said... / Oct 4, 2008 @ 06:12pm

Thanks for your prayers, Heidi! You are so sweet. And I agree... Praise God for awesome moms. : )
I hope we can get together soon. I miss you all. Love you!

03Heidi said... / Oct 6, 2008 @ 05:20pm

Oh Kim....... my first post on your surgery was supposed to say, Oh Kim..... (with sympathy) not, OK Kim, like.....don’t tell us any more! :) Oh brother..... the spell checker didn’t help me out either.....  I hope you understand my post was heartfelt.  By the way, how are you doing????  When can you and Anthony come visit???  Maybe the weekend of the 17th???  I told Maria that she should get a ride from you guys and head to Reading for a game night!  Miss you!
Love, Heidi.

04Kim said... / Oct 8, 2008 @ 07:16pm

Hi Heidi,

No worries, I knew your well-wishes were heartfelt. : ) I am doing ok. The healing process is taking longer than I initially thought, but apparently that’s normal. We would love to get together, but that weekend won’t work for us. I’m not supposed to travel more than 20 miles from the Lehigh Valley Hospital for three weeks post-surgery. That weekend is at the end of the time frame, but better safe than sorry. Are you guys free the following weekend?
Love you guys!

05Jess said... / Oct 8, 2008 @ 07:25pm

Hey Kim, I’m so glad you can smell a little bit now and that you’re getting better.
By the way, are you planning on attending our high school reunion this winter? I’m not sure since I just told my mom to stay in Florida for Christmas.
Anyway, give me a call sometime when you’re feeling up to it. I haven’t wanted to bother you while you are recuperating. Take care!

06Kim said... / Oct 8, 2008 @ 09:13pm

I didn’t know that there was a class reunion. How do you find out about these things... and also, when / where is it?

07Jess said... / Oct 9, 2008 @ 10:43pm

Just in case: It’s Saturday, December 27, 2008 from 7:00pm - 11:00pm, at the Allentown BrewWorks High Gravity Lounge.  The address is:
812 W. Hamilton Street.  And its going to cost between $30-40 and guests can come too. Thank goodness since 10 years is long enough for most of us to be married and some of us to have children!!!!
Honestly, I’m not sure that I’ll be able to come up there for that. My parents are going to be in Florida for Christmas and unless they change their minds, its going to be very difficult and ridiculously expensive for me to go to a 10 year reunion.  I would still like to go on a honeymoon and that would put a crimp in those plans for a while.
And another thing, is that I figured since there wasn’t any news regarding a reunion a few months ago, that there just wasn’t going to be one. A bunch of the other classes have been planning theirs for years, making sure they have everyone’s information so the entire class can at least be invited/informed of it. Anyway, that’s me ranting about how pathetic our class was in regards to that kind of stuff.  Maybe I can just come visit when my parents go back up and we’ll have our own reunion. We can have pizza and ice cream and watch Wallace and Gromit movies. What do you think of that? Cost will be 5 bucks and you can stay as late as you want! Location: TBD!!!
By the way, I hope you’re feeling better and that you can smell other things besides Lavender soap. Otherwise we might find you eating fields of flowers or grass or something like that.

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