"Would you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
-Just Surrender

Happy Spring!

2 replies

It’s officially Spring! Anthony and I enjoyed the lovely Spring-like weather last weekend by going for our first bike ride of the season. I’m so excited for the cool, sunny days in the coming months. Bring on the biking / hiking adventures!

Also, Rita’s is giving away free Italian Ice in honor of the first day of Spring! I suspect it will be like free Ben and Jerry’s day at Penn State (lines around the block), but you can’t beat the price. : )

Posted by Kim on at 12:39pm


01Heidi said... / Mar 24, 2009 @ 07:27am

Hi Kim!  Are you and Anthony ready to bike to Reading??  I remember when you surprised us in our backyard after you two rode your bikes to our house.  I still can’t believe you can ride your bikes that far.... but, for you in shape people, I guess it’s not that far!  :) 
Well, you can ride over here anytime and we can hit Ritas for some refreshments before you have to ride back home!
We did go to Ritas on the first day of Spring, and waited in a not too bad of a line for a very refreshing start to the season!  Brian and the girls got a mystery flavor (very daring!)  It was a kind of mixed berry  - and I got a pina colada mixed with mango.  Mmmm..... :)
Miss you guys!

02Jess said... / Mar 26, 2009 @ 09:58pm

Speaking of Rita’s, I’ve recently discovered a few Rita’s in Raleigh!!!! I can’t wait for some Rita’s!!! Miss you!

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