"You're my wonderwall"

You go, girl.

1 reply

Travis showed us this on Easter Sunday. I’m posting a link to it here because I love Les Miserables, because this lady has an amazing voice, and because it is beautiful to see someone that is perceived as the underdog triumph:

Watch out world, here comes
Susan Boyle.

The irony of the song isn’t lost on me. Susan is proof that dreams do come true (even if it doesn’t happen when we’re 18) -- this brought tears to my eyes. I hope she wins the competition.

Posted by Kim on at 10:16am


01Heidi said... / Apr 15, 2009 @ 03:42pm

Thanks for sharing that -- what an unbelievable moment -- her voice gave me chills and then brought me to tears!  I can’t wait to hear more from Susan Boyle!

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